What Qualifies As Medical Malpractice


If you are dealing with a medical malpractice claim, do not take anything less than what you are entitled to. Finding a lawyer to work on your case and protect your rights may be a long process, but it is worth doing the research to make sure that your rights are protected to the fullest extent. They will fight aggressively for you so that you can get the best outcome that you rightfully deserve. Here are some case scenarios that qualify as medical malpractice that you should be familiar with.


Delayed Treatment 

If you go to a hospital and seek care for your symptoms or illness, but find that your treatment has been delayed, you may be able to file a claim citing medical malpractice. Delayed care and treatment can result in serious health consequences, especially if you have a severe condition like cancer or an urgent condition such as a stroke. You need to receive care right away because the consequences can be life-threatening. If you have evidence that your health declined because of delayed care, you can ask a lawyer if you are eligible to file a claim.


Wrong Diagnosis 

Receiving an incorrect diagnosis can cause serious or even permanent consequences. Some cases of medical malpractice involve doctors who misinterpret symptoms or fail to recognize symptoms, resulting in a false diagnosis. For example, if you saw a doctor who incorrectly diagnosed you with a simple cold rather than a much more severe respiratory illness, you may not get the right medication and treatment plan that you actually need.


Incorrect or Misinterpreted Lab Result 

Lab tests are essential for producing a correct diagnosis. However, sometimes lab results are not interpreted correctly, or there are mistakes that can produce an incorrect result. A sample may be handled improperly, causing it to be contaminated. This can result in false negatives or other misleading results. You should consider taking legal action if you believe that a false lab result caused your health to further deteriorate.


Medication or Prescription Error 

Medication or prescription errors happen all too often. They are not just committed by doctors and pharmacists, but nurses and other medical professionals as well. An incorrect prescription can cause a patient to suffer injuries like organ damage or bleeding, as a medical malpractice attorney such as one from David & Philpot, P.L. can explain. A prescription error can happen for various reasons, such as if you are given the incorrect prescription by a doctor, or if you are given the wrong product by a pharmacist.


Surgical Error

Patients can suffer an injury after going through surgery. The surgeon and other hospital staff may make critical mistakes because they are not being careful or are distracted. Lack of experience can also result in surgical errors. Common examples of surgical mistakes include incorrect dosage of anesthesia, failure to complete surgical preparation, and leaving medical instruments in the patient’s body.

Find out if your case is valid right away and consult with a lawyer who has successfully fought for medical malpractice victims. Discover cost-effective and high-quality legal services available for medical malpractice clients by requesting a consultation right away.

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