Common Myths About Car Accident Claims

Accident Injury Lawyer

If you sustain injuries in a car accident caused by another driver, you may be eligible to receive compensation. However, in order to obtain the compensation, you have to file a timely injury claim. Here are some common myths about car accident claims that you should not believe.

If I Suffered Minor Injuries, I Don’t Need to See a Doctor

Not everyone who gets into a car accident will suffer life-threatening injuries, like traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries. However, even if you suffer a seemingly minor injury, like a sprain or cut, you should still seek immediate medical care. Minor injuries can cause complications if they are not treated soon enough. You don’t want to put your health at risk.

The Insurance Company Will Be Fair to Me

If it is clear that the other driver was at-fault in the accident, you may assume that the insurance company will be fair to you and pay you what you deserve. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Insurance companies care about the bottom line first and may try to get out of paying you fair compensation. That is why you shouldn’t provide details about your case when they contact you. Tell them to speak with your lawyer instead.

I Can File Claim at Any Time

This definitely is not true. As an accident injury lawyer from Yearin Law Office can confirm, car accident claims come with deadlines. In Arizona, the statute of limitations to file a car accident claim is two years from the date of your accident. After the deadline has passed, you can’t pursue compensation anymore.

I’m Only Eligible to Receive Compensation for Medical Bills and Lost Wages

Medical bills and lost wages are common damages in car accident claims. However, they are not the only damages that you can claim. Other car accident damage may include emotional distress, pain and suffering and property damages. For example, if you have suffered permanent disfigurement from the accident, you may be able to claim pain and suffering damages.

Hiring a Lawyer Is Too Expensive

Unfortunately, some car accident victims shy away from hiring a lawyer because they assume that they can’t afford the legal fees. However, you may be happy to find out that most car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee. That means that they take a percentage of their clients’ settlement at the end of the case. If you do not win your case, you will not owe your lawyer money.

Any Lawyer Can Handle Your Case

If you want to pursue a car accident case, you definitely want to work with a lawyer who has extensive experience handling car accident claims. The laws pertaining to car accident cases can be confusing and are always changing. A skilled car accident lawyer will be aware of these laws and steer you in the right direction. He or she will know how much your claim is truly worth.

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