5 Ways You Can Minimize The Chances Of Being In A Car Accident

5 Ways You Can Minimize The Chances Of Being In A Car AccidentCar accidents happen every day, and these car accidents can range from minor fender-benders to dangerous occurrences that trigger problems like traumatic brain injuries. However, most of the time, when we drive, nothing happens, and it’s best not to let the fear of car accidents control our lives. Knowing these five ways of minimizing car accident chances can give you peace of mind:

  1. Avoid Driving in Bad Weather 

Sometimes it can rain or snow on a day we have to work, and driving might be the only option. However, if you don’t absolutely need to go somewhere, then it’s best to avoid the roads. Even a mild rainstorm can severely increase the chances of crashing into another car.

  1. Avoid Driving in the Wrong State of Mind 

If you’re feeling tired, had an argument with your spouse, think you had one too many drinks at the bar, etc., then it’s best to avoid getting behind the wheel. Depending on the situation, the solution might be to cool off until you’re in a better state of mind, call a cab, or decide not to leave the house in the first place.

  1. Avoid Engaging in Road Rage or Aggressive Driving 

Nearly everyone has become frustrated due to another driver’s behavior. Perhaps the car in front of you is moving too slowly, and there’s no way to pass them, or they keep braking. When these situations happen, it can be tempting to engage in behavior like honking your horn or shouting at the other driver. Doing so can lead to a confrontation, resulting in aggressive driving from both parties. You also shouldn’t engage in behavior like passing a vehicle when you know there’s not enough space or when you’re not in a passing zone.

  1. Avoid Distracted Driving 

Distracted driving takes many forms, but people generally associate distracted driving with texting or making phone calls. However, other distracted driving forms are: 

  • Eating or drinking 
  • Listening to loud music 
  • Reaching for an item in another seat
  • Self-grooming

Often, people participate in distracted driving when they need to accomplish a couple of tasks at the same time. Making sure you give yourself plenty of time before you go somewhere means you can avoid having to eat your breakfast in the car before work or putting on make-up.

  1. Explore Other Forms of Transportation 

Driving cars is such a part of this country’s culture that many people don’t consider alternative forms of transportation. Of course, there are some situations where driving yourself makes the most sense, such as if you need to get across town and taking a bus won’t work and trying to pay for a taxi, Uber, or Lyft would be too expensive or take too much time. However, if you need to go to the store a couple of blocks away, then driving a car may not make sense. Lastly, if you do get into a car accident, then working with a Newark car accident lawyer is your best option, something our friends at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. agree with. 



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